Our Aim

To contribute to the eradication of racism and sectarianism and to promote peaceful and harmonious inter-community relations in Sligo.


To record racist incidents and to refer and support those who  experience and/or witness racially motivated incidents in County Sligo.

Our Method

We established an inter-agency group which brings together statutory and non statutory agencies as well as ethnic minority groups to oversee the running of the service within the Sligo Family Resource Centre

In 2013/14, a group of key personnel (staff and volunteers) from public service providers and voluntary organisations were trained to deal with racist incidents in their respective agencies/organisations.

In addition, a platform of ethnic minority representatives (now known as Sligo Intercultural Forum) was formed to serve as peer – support in their communities.

What we do

We provide  independent, confidential and non judgmental advice to victims and witnesses of racist/sectarian incidents and refer them to appropriate agencies when necessary. This includes providing accurate information about individual rights and allowing individuals to make informed decision about the course of their complaints process.

We collate data on racist incidents and the information generated helps us in our lobbying and advocacy work and the creation of policies to eradicate racism in our community.

Our Role

As the Lead Agency in the provision of this service,the  Sligo Family Resource Centre coordinated the drafting of policies / statements aimed to promote anti-racism/sectarianism in service provision.

We  also facilitated the establishment of a recording system and coordinated analysis of data and on-going support and up-skilling of key personnel to support those affected by racism.